Romanova Svіtlana Victorivna

Romanova Svіtlana VictorivnaRomanova Svіtlana Victorivna
Romanova Svіtlana Victorivna

Romanova Svіtlana Victorivna

Romanova Svіtlana Victorivna

ROMANOVA Svetlana (28/05/1982, c. Pervomajskiy, Kharkiv region), Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, assistant at the Department of Pharmacognosi. In 2004 graduated from the National University of Pharmacy. Since that year, she worked as a senior laboratory Department of Pharmacognosy, 2013 – assistant  of Department of Botany. Acts as the person responsible for distance learning at the department, for filling the sites and, responsible for the discipline “Medical Botany”.
 Advance training. A series of lectures “School of a young teacher” (2013), a cycle of “Information and communication technologies of distance learning: e-Tutor” (2017), a series of “Ukrainian conversation club” (2019), а series of lectures “School of professional skill of the teacher of NUPh” (2020), the cycle “Theory and practice of distance learning” (2020).
 Educational and methodical work. Co-author of 7 methodological issues. She participated in the creation of lectures for selective discipline, lectures with audio accompaniment to prepare foreign students for passing the KROK-1 licensing exam.
Organizational work. Curator of academic groups (2017-2019) Awarded the Certificate of Honor of the NFaU (2018), Thanks to the NFaU (2019).
Scientific research work. PhD thesis defended on “Pharmacognostic study of the genus lentil” (2012, supervisor – assistant professor Kovalev S. V).
Carries out research work in the direction “Pharmacognostic research of legume plants.” Carries out research work with students, takes part in conferences with reports. Author of 70 scientific works, among them – 2 patents for invention, 25 scientific articles, 50 abstracts of scientific conferences.

List of scientific works:Patents:

  1. Патент на винахід № 27307. Спосіб одержання засобу з анаболічною активністю // С.В. Ковальов, Р.Ф. Єременко, О.М. Шаталова, С.В. Романова, В.М. Ковальов, Л.М. Малоштан. Заявл. 20.09.2007. Опубл. 25.10.2007, Бюл. № 17.
  2. Патент на винахід № 63766 Україна, МПК А 61 К 36 / 48, А 61 Р 1 / 16, А 61 Р 1 / 18, А 61 Р 29 / 00. Спосіб одержання комплексу біологічно активних речовин з гепатопротекторною, анальгетичною активністю та регенеруючою дією на підшлункову залозу / С. В. Романова, В. М. Ковальов; С. В. Ковальов, А. Р. Грицик, В. М. Кравченко. Заявка. 07. 02. 2011. Опубл. 25. 10. 2011, Бюл. № 20.
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